In less than 10 minutes Monday night, the handful of voters at Cutler’s special town meeting passed a moratorium on industrial-scale aquaculture, halting any local approvals on large aquaculture projects for the next 180 days.
Speaker explores competing interests on Maine’s coastline
Machiasport, Cutler to consider industrial aquaculture moratoriums
Maine is being set up to sell its coastline to industrial scale aquaculture
Maine’s 2021 seafood harvest bests all-time record by over 20%
2021 Maine Lobster Harvest the Most Valuable in the History of the Fishery
American Aquafarms buys Maine Fair Trade facility
Huge News: American Aquafarms project appears to be dead in the water
Island towns asked to ban corporate aquaculture
A nonprofit called Protect Maine’s Fishing Heritage Foundation is asking the Island towns to pass a moratorium on industrial aquaculture. Gouldsboro has done it already to try to stymie a salmon farm in Frenchman Bay, and a handful of coastal communities are trying to block proposals for other large-scale fish and bivalve farms.