““We conclude that expanding the nearshore finfish industry or beginning an offshore industry in the U.S. carries significant risks for aquatic ecosystems and public health. Without a robust, comprehensive regulatory system in place, no new near- or offshore operations should be permitted, and regulations allowing offshore finfish operations in federal waters should not be issued in other regions of the U.S.” ”
Ranking Producers
Aquaculture Producers
Cooke Aquaculture Inc. is an aquaculture corporation based in Blacks Harbour, New Brunswick, Canada. Cooke also operates in Chile, Scotland, Spain, Washington State and Maine. They own 600+ acres in Maine.
Key Articles
DMR Renewal
Protect Maine, along with many other organizations, continues to raise concerns around what is happening in our waters. There was a die off at Black Island in 2021; still, the Department of Marine Resources granted a 20-year renewal to Cooke Aquaculture.
Finfish Bans
We have learned from other countries and states - Argentina, and, in the U.S., Washington. They have developed outright bans on in-water finfish.
State peddling coastal towns to fish farms without local officials' knowledge
The State of Maine is shopping its coastal towns to industrial fish farms, without the knowledge of local officials.