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Rock Alley, Director
Rock Alley is a lifelong resident of Jonesport Beals. He is a third generation fisherman and a small business owner who successfully operates a lobster and a scallop business. Rock has always been on the water and speaking on behalf of fishermen. Rock is considered a respected force in Augusta. His work with the Maine Lobstering Union has taken him to the State House on many occasions lobbying for lobstering interests. Rock is concerned about the fate of coastal towns if lobstering goes the way of shrimping and ground fishing. He is concerned about the lack of regulations regarding aquaculture particularly in Downeast Maine.


Dan Guimond, Treasurer
Dan Guimond began his professional career with Emery Waterhouse Company in Portland, Maine, where he worked as an accountant and financial analyst for fifteen years. For the next eight years Dan worked at Schlotterbeck & Foss specialty food company as an accounting manager, and most recently as VP of Finance. He is currently the CFO at ClearH2O. Dan’s professional experience includes all areas of corporate and cost accounting, financial analysis, budgeting, and treasury operations. Dan currently lives in Biddeford with his wife and daughter. 

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Zach Piper, President
Zach comes to Protect Maine's Fishing Heritage Foundation as one of its newest members. He has been lobstering since he was 16 years old and lives in Hancock. Zach's family all lives within 5 miles of each other and Zach lives in his great grandmother's home which has been passed down through the family. Zach is passionate about protecting the ocean as a natural resource and is opposed to in-water industrial-scale aquaculture and the threat it poses to the Maine coast.

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Adam Ulrickson, Secretary
Adam Ulrickson Sr has lived in Freeport all his life. A fourth-generation lobster fisherman, Adam has fished locally in Casco Bay since he was a young boy going with my father and brother. He was raised on the water learning the values of all the hard work that goes into lobster fishing and is currently teaching the same values to his two boys (5th generation of Ulrickson fishermen) who also both hold student lobster licenses. 

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Crystal Canney, Executive Director

Crystal is a recognized leader in policy, public relations, media, governmental affairs, and campaign strategy. This is her second executive director's non-profit role. Crystal was a journalist in Maine for two decades and Communications Director to two-term Maine Governor and former Congressman John Baldacci. She then served as Associate Commissioner of the Maine Department of Administrative and Financial Services, where she led consolidation initiatives and oversaw multi-million dollar budgets. Canney worked with Senator King on his first campaign and served in his senate office during his first administration. Protect Maine's Fishing Heritage has become a passion around finding the right regulations so the Maine people don't lose one of their greatest natural resources. Canney believes the ocean belongs to everyone - including those who work, make their living, and recreate on one of Maine's greatest assets.