Maine Voices: Stopping American Aquafarms is your fight, too

Everyone who cares about our coast and the Maine economy should worry about this irresponsible Down East project.

Agriculture and aquaculture. Both are farming. Both are important to Maine’s future, as more of both are needed to feed a hungry world. But both carry inherent risks to our environment if not practiced in responsible ways.

Opponents of industrial salmon farm near Acadia National Park urge Interior Secretary Haaland to oppose project following her recent visit to Maine

(GOULDSBORO, Maine) – Following a recent visit to the Schoodic section of Acadia National Park by Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland, opponents of a massive industrial aquaculture project proposed for Prospect Harbor and nearby Frenchman Bay have sent a letter urging her to oppose the project or at least join with the many conservation groups and individuals who have already asked the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to conduct a full Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on the project.

Opposition to industrial salmon farm near Acadia grows as Bar Harbor Council hears from local fishermen and votes to intervene in review process

(BAR HARBOR, Maine) – With Bar Harbor lobstermen solidly opposing a massive salmon farm proposed for Frenchman Bay, the Bar Harbor town council voted unanimously July 15th to seek intervener status in the state review of American Aquafarms lease applications to the Maine Department of Marine Resources.